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Discover the joy of Salsa NOW!

Discover the joy of Salsa NOW!

Improve the quality of your life, feel more confident and fullfilled with our exciting in-person classes!

You always wanted to learn Salsa. But there was always something that held you back. You didnt find the right time for classes,  felt other lessons move too fast or too slow, or you couldnt find a group at your age.

Many of our students once thought, „You need to start young to be a dancer,“ or „I don’t have rhythm or talent.“ But they found the courage to join us and proved those doubts wrong!

Now it’s your turn. At our local school, anyone can learn to dance—no matter your background or skill level. We’ll guide you step by step, making it easy and fun to learn in a young, friendly and supportive environment.

Feel confident, fulfilled, and full of life—all while learning a skill you’ll cherish forever. Join our Salsa Beginner Course today and start your journey with us!

Your way to become a Salsa dancer:

#1 Joy of Life

Salsa is a way to express joy. The latin american influences and their joyfull way of living is reflected in their music and dance. We want to share and spread this positive energy with people around the world.<br /> With this course you will feel fitter and improve your coordination, balance and your lifequality!

two salsa dancers laughing